Alexander Supertramp

Alexander Supertramp

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chris McCandless is "Up in the Air"

There is a scene in Into the Wild in which Chris is reading Dr. Zhivago. As it turns out, this is the last book that Chris will ever read. While reading he comes across a line that strikes him, and motivates him to write in the margins, in all capitals "HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED" (Krakauer, 189). The author, Jon Krakauer, hypothesizes that at that moment, Chris decided to "abandon the life of a solitary vegabond, stop running so hard from intimacy, and become a member of the human community." In other words, Krakauer is explaining that Chris realizes that happiness, experienced alone without special people around you and close to you, is not real happiness at all. In conclusion, Chris makes the decision to finally go home.
Chris's quote on happiness immediately reminded me of this scene from Up in the Air. In this film George Clooney plays Ryan Bingham, a character who is similar to Chris in that he avoids intimacy with humans thinking it will enhance his life in some way. Near the end of the film, he goes to his sister's wedding and the groom gets cold feet. Ryan decides to try and talk him into getting married, but has some difficulty. He admits how he views marriage as a "pain in the ass" and that he's "not the guy you'd normally want to talk to about all this stuff" (Reitman, 103). But then he brings up an interesting point to Jim, his sister's fiancee. He asks Jim to remember some of the greatest memories from his life. Then he asks if he was alone during those moments or with other people. Jim admits that those best moments of his life were ones he spent with other people. Ryan then states, "I don't want to sound like a Hallmark card, but... Life? It's better with company" (Reitman, 104).
In the end, Ryan and Chris come to conclusions that are very alike. True happiness in life comes from the times were we are with our family, friends, or just people in general. Joy can only be a complete reality when shared with those in a person's life.

Up in the Air is a six-time Oscar-nominated film. It also stars Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick. I was written and directed by Jason Reitman (Thank You For Smoking, Juno)

-Mitchell Ward

Here is a link to the Up in the Air trailer:


  1. This relates to my life, too. A few years ago, I thought of myself as a loner, a person who didn't care for other people. I realized that I couldn't be happy without some friends, and now I go out with them often. Lice Chris, I discovered that you need people to be truly happy, only Chris found out too late.

  2. This is a very interesting post. I also noticed that before, Chris never really connected with people. Even in his college years he would seclude himself from others by staying in his dorm. Whenever he was in the company of someone such as Ron Franz. He got too close to Ron and decided to leave so he could be alone again. I feel like by pushing away all of these people is whole life, it caused him to feel lonely in the days leading up to his demise. He never really got close to anyone besides Carine and I believe he realized that he may be alone at the time of his death with no one for company and this bothered him.

  3. Mitchell, I think u made a very good connection with Into the Wild and Up in the Air. I remember seeing the trailers for this movie and wanting to see it, however never got around to seeing it. But reading this post made it all the more interesting. I liked how strangely similar the characters seem to realize that in order to be happy they must share it with others. When you described the scene from Up in the Air when Bingham asks his sister's fiancee to picture all the happiest moments in his life, I did the same. And I also noticed that most of these were when I was either family or friends. Like when Ryan states, "I don't want to sound like a Hallmark card, but... Life? It's better with company" (Reitman, 104). Going back to Into the wild I almost wish McCandless made the realization to go back to society were he could be happy with other people earlier, instead of later. Imagining what McCandless life would have been like today if he understood being with people was the way to be is almost unreal.

  4. I remember when i saw this movie with my parents, my mom walked out of it saying that it made her feel depressed how he was all alone and how he ruined peoples lives. I thought it was really interesting when he went to different parts of the country to give lectures on his "empty backpack" theory. He has the people imagine that they are carrying their whole lives- friends, family, house, car, etc in their backpack which they need to carry around with them every single day. Ryan's theory is to have almost nothing more than what you really need in the backpack to have a lighter load. He ends up acquiring more and more things in his backpack throughout the story such as Natalie, Alex, his sister and her problems. But really in the end, after fighting so hard to get back his old flying job, he looses all this weight off his backpack and goes back into the air. This is similar to Chris because they both realize that happiness comes from being with people, but still stick with what they were initially doing because they did not try hard enough to find a way out.

  5. I really like this connection you made between McCandless and Bingham. I have seen this movie a couple of times and really enjoyed it. I agree with the fact that life is only worth living when shared in the company of others, as every good memory I have is one that includes somebody else. I think like Jim, McCandless realizes that although getting away from it all can rid some of the stresses in life, it also creates an empty hole, which can only be filled by the compassion given by others. I think that is why having good relationships with others is important, as it is where true happiness lies. No corporate position or frequent flyer miles are going to fill the void filled by a lack of compassion. Both Ryan and Chris figure out this important life lesson, though only one is able to take advantage.

  6. Based on your very well described persona of Ryan Brigham, I too see the close peronsality traits the two share. Not only do they both believe that they can find happiness isolated from people they might get love from but they are also choosing to travel around as means of avioding it. In my personal life, i have seen people pull crazy manuvers in order to escape intamcy such as pretending infections, various duties and basic rudeness. In my life though, these people are not convinced that they will find happiness being alone, it is just a defense mechinism against being hurt. Again, a parallel to Chris because his tramping around the country all by himself could be a defense mechanism against being hurt again. The first time being his father cheating on his mother, something Chris has regarded as much below the high ethic standereds he sets for himself and all other real life assosiates. That leads to the asssumtion that perhaps all of Chris's unusual behivior stem from an unhapppy childhood, his parents were never around. Maybe he is looking fot the one thing besides family that can fill the void?


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